Posts tagged with "Folk Alliance"


LYRIC VIDEO PREMIERE & WEB-EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE Musician: DAN NAVARRO & JANIVA MAGNESS Song: “$20 Bill” by Tom Prasada-Rao A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS: SINGER-SONGWRITER DAN NAVARRO’S COUNTER-CULTURE SUCCESS STORY FROM “WE BELONG” TO “$20 BILL” Smoldering eyes unmistakably reflective of a weighty social consciousness burn; the drifter’s intensity is worthy of a Molotov cocktail both shaken and stirred as he peers out from beyond... 

Slaid Cleaves

Musician: SLAID CLEAVES Video: “One Good Year”  SLAID CLEAVES AT BLUE ROCK ALIVE! COOL NIGHTS 2020 THIS THURSDAY, NOVEMBE 19 Slaid Cleaves will be featured at the Blue Rock aLive! Cool Nights 2020 virtual concert series this Thursday, November 19. The series is “for the songs, for the artists, for all of us.” You can buy a Season Pass for only $105—and have a seat in the house by sending in your headshot. They will place the large headshot... 

Video Feature & Interview: ROBBY HECHT

VIDEO FEATURE & WEB-EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Artist:  ROBBY HECHT Song: “Soon I Was Sleeping” Duet with Rose Cousins Directed by Ryan Newman ROBBY HECHT Web-Exclusive Interview with M Music & Musicians magazine publisher, Merlin David How did the idea of “Soon I Was Sleeping” come to you? I actually wrote this song over the course of about six years. I had the “put that bottle of whiskey right where she used to kiss me” hook for... 


FOLK ALLIANCE at SXSW SXFOLK2015 – AUSTIN, TEXAS THREADGILLS WORLD HEADQUARTERS SATURDAY, MARCH 21 (301 West Riverside Drive—Riverside @ Barton Springs Rd) FREE (no badge or wristband needed) – All ages welcome OUTDOOR STAGE 12 Noon: Reverend Payton’s Big Damn Band 1 pm: Bill Kirchen & Redd Volkaert 2 pm: Sam Baker 3 pm: The Stray Birds 4 pm: The Fairfield Four 5 pm: The McCrary Sisters 6 pm: The HillBenders present TOMMY: A... 


  FOLK FORWARD How a sound born of tradition is thriving in the modern day   By Peter Cooper It’s the other “F” word. And like its more obscene counterpart, it means different things to different people in different contexts. In the 1950s, it was sweater-vested political subversives. Later, it was shape-shifting musical revolutionaries and introspective singer-songwriters. It has been used to describe troubadours who specialize in journalistic... 
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