Posts tagged with "EDIE CAREY"

Video & Interview Erin Ivey

Video Feature & Web-Exclusive Interview Artist:  ERIN IVEY Video:  “Lost Girl”  ERIN IVEY RELEASES EMOTIONALLY HAUNTING “LOST GIRL” FROM HER NEW ALBUM SOLACE IN THE WILD Erin Ivey’s Solace in the Wild was three years in the making. She recorded the album at Blue Rock Studio in Wimberley, Texas. It was released January 29, 2021. Ivey’s albums have garnered numerous Top 10 and Album of the Year recognitions, a Black Fret artist... 


EDIE CAREY Bring the Sea Artists like Edie Carey provide a valuable, if underappreciated, public service. As per her official bio, Carey occupies that “middle ground between singing at weddings and being Madonna,” and while she might never be a pop star, this strumming balladeer poetess writes truthful, elegant songs for adults. Her seventh album is about following dreams, starting families, overcoming insecurity and losing the destructive... 
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