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Audio Premiere & Web-Exclusive Interview Musician: PAIGE KING JOHNSON Video Premiere: “SOMEBODY’S GOTTA DO IT” COUNTRY MUSIC SINGER-SONGWRITER PAIGE KING JOHNSON SHOWS THE LIGHTHEARTED, FUN SIDE OF LOVE WITH “SOMEBODY’S GOTTA DO IT” Country music singer/songwriter Paige King Johnson writes songs that explore every facet of her life. Her songwriting highlights all the stages of life—faith, love, empowerment and the beauty of life’s... 

PAIGE KING JOHNSON premieres “American Beauty” lyric video – Web-Exclusive Interview

Video Feature & Web-Exclusive Interview Musician: PAIGE KING JOHNSON Video: “American Beauty” COUNTRY MUSIC SINGER-SONGWRITER PAIGE KING JOHNSON KNOWS IT TAKES INNER STRENGTH TO BE AN “AMERICAN BEAUTY” Country music singer-songwriter Paige King Johnson’s upbeat song “American Beauty” highlights all the stages of finding confidence in taking your own path even when it looks different from the rest. Johnson’s strong vocals shine... 
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