Posts tagged with "Sue Drew"
ASCAP Expo Day 2
ASCAP Expo Day 2
SOCAN CEO Eric Baptiste and PRS for Music CEO Robert Ashcroft during their panel Think Local, Act Global: PROs and Digital Rights Licensing
ASCAP’s Andrew Sparkler moderates the panel Laying Down the Law: A Legal Q&A for Music Creators with Ken Abdo, Esq.; Steve Butler, Esq.; and Zeina Grenier, Esq.
SACEM’s Cecile Rap Veber, ASCAP CEO John LoFrumento, SOCAN CEO Eric Baptiste, PRS for Music...
ASCAP Expo Day 1
ASCAP Expo Day 1
ASCAP’s Brendan Okrent, Katy Perry, ASCAP’s Loretta Munoz and Sue Drew
Judy Collins, John Lind, Gretchen Peters and Randy Goodrum perform at the “I Create Music” Center Stage
Judy Collins, John Lind, Gretchen Peters and Randy Goodrum perform at the “I Create Music” Center Stage
Performers at the “I Create Music” Center Stage Gretchen Peters, John Lind, Judy Collins and Randy Goodrum
Stargate’s Tor Hermansen...