Posts tagged with "Trent Reznor"

Song Premiere & Web-Exclusive Interview GREGG SGAR

Song Premiere & Web-Exclusive Interview Artist: GREGG SGAR Song: “Signs” MULTI-INSTRUMENTALIST GREGG SGAR PREMIERES “SIGNS” Never one to play by the rules, Gregg Sgar has found new and inventive ways to manifest the kind of music he wanted to create—on his own terms. On his new single “Signs,” he breathes inspiring words of hope onto the track: “Please believe the signs.... 


HOW TO DESTROY ANGELS An Omen [Columbia] Nine Inch Nails mastermind Trent Reznor continues to play mad chemist with industrial music, this time via a side project featuring his wife, Mariqueen Maandig. Her soothing voice lends a twisted effect to this EP. The largely acoustic “Ice Age” is oddly folksy, and for a six-song set, An Omen boasts a wide emotional spectrum. There are periods of tranquility that give way to invocations of disaster—something... 
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