Posts tagged with "Evidence"

Video & Interview with artist: Darden Smith

Video Feature & Web-Exclusive Interview Artist: DARDEN SMITH Video: “Loving Arms” DARDEN SMITH LAUNCHES BLUE ROCK ALIVE! COOL NIGHTS 2020 VIRTUAL CONCERT SERIES Darden Smith, one of the most respected singer-songwriters, will launch the Blue Rock aLive! Cool Nights 2020 virtual concert series this Thursday, October 29. The series features iconic Austin-based artists—“for the songs, for the artists, for all of us.” You can buy a Season... 


TROY TURNER Whole Lotta Blues [Evidence] Troy Turner has been putting out records since 1990, but this is only his fourth in those 20 years. His latest is a collaborative effort with producer Jon Tiven, who had a hand in writing 13 of the album’s 14 tracks and plays a variety of instruments throughout. Tiven in turn called on the likes of legendary Howlin’ Wolf sideman Hubert Sumlin as a partner in writing several of the songs, and supplemented... 
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